
Build Status

Project Description

iReporter enables any/every citizen to bring any form of corruption to the notice of appropriate authorities and the general public. Users can also report on things that needs government intervention.


  1. Users can create an account and log in.
  2. Users can create a red-flag record (An incident linked to corruption).
  3. Users can create intervention record (a call for a government agency to intervene e.g repair bad road sections, collapsed bridges, flooding e.t.c).
  4. Users can edit their red-flag or intervention records.
  5. Users can delete their red-flag or intervention records.
  6. Users can add geolocation (Lat Long Coordinates) to their red-flag or intervention records.
  7. Users can change the geolocation (Lat Long Coordinates) attached to their red-flag or intervention records.
  8. Admin can change the status of a record to either under investigation, rejected (in the event of a false claim) or resolved (in the event that the claim has been investigated and resolved).

Hopeful features 🔥 🔥

  1. Users can add images to their red-flag or intervention records, to support their claims.
  2. Users can add videos to their red-flag or intervention records, to support their claims.
  3. The application should display a Google Map with Marker showing the red-flag or intervention location.
  4. The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the status of their record.
  5. The user gets real-time sms notification when Admin changes the status of their record.

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine

    git clone

  2. Install dependencies

    npm install

  3. Run npm run dev-start to start the application


Manual testing

  1. Install Postman to test the endpoints manually.
  2. GET /api/v1/red-flags
  3. GET /api/v1/red-flags/:id
  4. POST /api/v1/red-flags
  5. PATCH /api/v1/red-flags/:id
  6. DELETE /api/v1/red-flags/:id

Automated test

Run npm test to test all the endpoints.

About this project

You can track the project’s progress on Github and PivotalTracker. The UI templates are hosted on GH-Pages. You can also follow me on Twitter😉.